XO Mike

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Posted in Daily Illini, Sports by Michael on April 16, 2010

I am late with this posting and I apologize. Last week I went to St. Louis with three other Daily Illini reporters for the match-up of Illinois and Missouri at Busch Stadium. Welcome to the big leagues boys. It was a real treat for me to go along and use the professional facilities of a new stadium for the shoot. There were practically fewer restrictions on where we could shoot than at Illinois Stadium (Illinois’ home field). We were allowed in the dugouts to shoot on either the near or far end, both offered different perspectives of the bases, we could roam throughout the stadium or my personal favorite, front row behind home plate. 😀 Even though the team lost in a 7-4 ending, the experience was great and I was pleased with the results of using a 7D.

The 7D was much better at auto-focusing than I had imagined and I already had high hopes. When this AF system gets ported to the 5Dmk3, it will be game over. 8fps blew me away every time I touched the shutter but it still is a crop sensor with more noise that I like to deal with. This would be a great second body to pair with the 5D to do outdoor daytime sports, or indoor/nighttime with a bit of noise. I am pleased.

Check out the Gallery! I figured out how to add this in.

-XO Mike